This huge festival goes around different parts of the country at different times within a span of 45 days in nine different phases with a huge expenditure of around Rs. 3500 crores. But, for all its hype and larger coverage, is it all worth it? Many would believe, its a huge waste of money as there is never going to be any change. But, thankfully, majority of the Indian voters are quite concerned and wants determinable development in their lives and only way is to bring about a stable Indian union.
People seem to want a change and that too a decisive change, curiously similar to the elections in 2009, but the only difference is that this time its towards the opposition. Now, this piece is not getting into the debate of who is better for India in the next five years, but interestingly, the first time, the incumbent and the opposition bring to the table, two different ideological plans, one of development and efficient and stable governance and the other being, grass root change, empowerment of people, need for stronger Citizens charter etc; On the face of it, both seems to be need of the hour and something that Indian public richly deserves. Indian voter has always reacted to change that he needs, for example, a stable government was the need of the hour in 2009 and the present government was voted to power with a bigger mandate. That the government was marred by inaction and utter absence of development and governance is a different matter. That is precisely why the Indian voter seems have welcomed the development and governance plank showcased by the opposition.
Most people feel its high time a stable, growth oriented government should be deployed at the center and that is the reason the opposition sells the best available growth model of their state government to the Indian public at large. People may point out and rightly so that there are many state governments which are doing much better, but the fact is the opposition cannot endorse a growth model of a different state which is not ruled by them. So, though the model might have flaws, people seems to like the model and hope a even better governance at the center. One of the main demands of the opposition is "You have given 60 years to one party, give us 60 months and see". Though this is getting the opposition huge amount of support, its the biggest gamble that they have taken. Five years down the line, if the opposition now is not able to give a better government,Indian people are wise enough to point out the same model and label it a failed strategy and may even vote them out. This scenario is perfectly possible, because the country is so big that all its varied and politically diverse problems cannot be planned, leave alone solving it in 60 months. So, i guess this a open minded strategy that the opposition has gone into, somehow to get to power, but its a strategy that might well back fire, five years down the line. The opposition hopes, their strong and decisive known PM candidate will steer the strategy cleverly that they would come to power again in 2019. All said and done, a government with a certain amount of decisiveness would be present for the next 60 months. Their success in all their promises seems quite a distant dream,anyway.
Now, to the plight of the present government. People are angry, not entirely because of corruption, non-governance, no development etc;. But they seem to be angry that the present government broke a trust showed by them towards the ruling party in 2009. The first stint of the present government from 2004-2009, was a government which came to power with a lesser mandate, but had done an above average job, coming out with flying colors in its steering of the economy, its resolve in Indo-US nuke deal, Rural employment guarantee scheme etc, which caught the imagination of many people. The government went to polls again in 2009 and showcased the achievements and said if we can do these with lesser mandate, give us a even bigger mandate and we would take India to next level. People trusted the combine and gave a bigger mandate and we all know how bad the performance has been in last 5 years. People are angry due to this breach of trust, where they were showed a rosy picture ahead and were deceived. The present opposition should do well to remember this and not over promise.
Its also good for the party which was in power for 10 years, to spend some time in the opposition. The young leader of the party, talks of grass root change, primaries for candidate selection, empowerment of down trodden and strengthening the party. These are at the face of it, game changing ideas and there is no reason to believe it wont be done as some of the ideas have already been done by him in the youth wing. Some among the social media, seem to make fun of the well publicized interview of his, but the person was very clever in sticking to the point and spoke of larger picture, because he very well knows, promising high and not delivering will only end up in his downfall. But, his ideas if implemented would change the politics in a larger way.
Finally, Indian voter, seems to be gone all out for the immediate burning issue of governance and development, but, we have to be always aware that the voter will always never forget the larger picture. Governance and development seem to be issue for these next 5 years, as was stable government, the issue in the previous 5 years. All said and done, whoever is in the opposition and in the government, people will hope the parliament functioning is not stalled as so badly in the previous 5 years and that is completely in the hands of both the opposition and the government.